by Rav Shlomo of Chelm (author of Merkevet haMishneh on Maimonides’
This compilation of Rav Shlomo of Chelm is one of the ten ‘tables’ compiled
by the author Z.T.L. The manuscript of this compilation, the only one
known, came into the possession of the father of the Eminent Rav Shlomo
Zalman Auerbach Z.T.L., the Eminent Rav Chaim Leib Auerbach, Z.T.L.. He
was only able to have part of it printed, and the remainder of the task he
left to the Shlomo Aumann Institute and the Jerusalem Institute of
Talmudic Research, and thus the compilation is now published with
annotations, clarifications and sources of rulings.
The work includes within it the halakhot of kiddushin, ketubot, gittin, mi`un
haketana, as well as containing part of the compiler’s Shulhan haTahor
which includes ishut, yibbum, haliza, oness umefateh, sotah and get pashut. |